Chemical Peels

Chemical Peels

The VI Peel enhances the skin’s tone and texture while diminishing imperfections on the face, chest, hands, or other areas. This peel provides remarkable results for numerous skin concerns. It’s formulated with a mixture of five acids that make it a practical, gentle peel. All skin types can get maximum skin improvements with regular use.

The VI peel treats acne, hyperpigmentation, and wrinkles. The medium-depth texture allows it to replenish the skin’s inner layers deeply. It contains Retin-A, TCA, Vitamin C, salicylic acid, and phenol. All ingredients give you flawless results individually and united.

A perfect skin rejuvenation treatment if you’d like to improve:

The Treatment

The procedure can take up to twenty minutes and gently massages your skin. We’ll deep clean the treatment area, apply a mild disinfecting solution to thoroughly dissolve oil from your skin, and carefully coat your skin with the peel. At Melt Lipotherapy & Wellness Spa, we have a variety of peel treatments, including:

VI Peel: Radiant tone & texture

This peel improves the tone, texture, and clarity of the surface of your skin. It’s also absorbed into the deepest skin layers for maximum anti-aging effects. It tightens and brightens your skin. Safe for all skin types.

VI Peel: Detoxify acne-prone & oily skin

Purifies pores, diminishes acne bacteria, and soothes inflammation. Balances your skin’s tissues to prevent blemishes. Safe for oily and acne-prone skin types.

VI Peel: Enhance collagen

This peel softens moderate to severe fine lines and wrinkles. Smooths the texture of your skin. Produces new collagen for a vibrant complexion. Boost the appearance of elasticity. Safe for mature skin.

VI Peel: Clarify acne scars

This peel gives your skin an in-depth purification of all pores and layers to extract all impurities effectively. Reduces acne bacteria. Unclogs congested pores. Dissolves acne scars and pigmentation. Regenerates healthy cells.

VI Peel: Peak performance for skin discoloration

It brightens the skin’s texture and dissolves pigmentation. Exfoliates and renews the skin’s appearance. Penetrates dull skin areas. Safe for skin that has melasma, hyperpigmentation, and sunspots.


Primarily treats the face and chest.

Primarily treats the face and chest.

You’ll get noticeable results within four to five days after your treatment.

You’ll prolong the improvements if you take care of your skin correctly and avoid sun exposure. We recommend scheduling follow-up sessions four times each year to keep your skin radiant.

Yes, mild redness, swelling, or dark spots might occur. These symptoms fade within a few days.

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