Vacuum Cellulite

Vacuum Cellulite

The laxity and elastin reduce as your skin matures, making your skin look unappealing. Cellulite therapy helps women with visible cellulite on the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. We use several FDA-approved techniques to activate collagen and diminish fat cells by vacuum cupping the targeted skin area. It results in smoothing and firming your skin and reduces noticeable cellulite.

A perfect treatment if you’d like to improve:

The Treatment

Buttock Lift

This non-invasive procedure slowly lifts and pumps the buttocks. We’ll put a cup in each targeted area. The cup gives your skin enough pressure to allow your skin to breathe. This strengthens the buttocks tissues and increases the size.

Lymphatic Massage

This massage encourages lymphatic drainage by using air pressure on the targeted areas. It improves your weight, boosts oxygen flow, reduces muscle fatigue and spasm, and eases tension.

At Melt Lipotherapy & Wellness Spa, all cellulite reduction procedures begin with a relaxing massage to start dissolving the fat on the treatment area. The dissolved fat will be circulated through a vacuum on areas of the skin where skin imperfections are most noticeable. The vacuum diminishes fat cells on the inner layers of the skin. We also perform a specialized medium depth massage that contours the structural figure of the targeted area. Cellulite Reduction is administered using glass cups bonded to a cutting-edge machine that stimulates suction. The cups are gently glided on your skin using advanced techniques. Lastly, we purify toxins with a lymphatic drainage massage.


This procedure is safe and reduces cellulite in the buttocks, thighs, legs, and hips.

Skin tightening and fat reduction are noticeable after your first treatment. Skin tightening improvements continue to define and become visible gradually.

The results last up to six months without follow-up sessions.

You may use dry brushing techniques to stimulate lymph flow. Perform a cardio exercise on the same day of treatment to boost firmness. Avoid hot water, spas, or saunas after treatment. Also, have a healthy diet for the best results.

Yes, redness, swelling, and tenderness beneath the skin might occur.

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